Friday, November 27, 2015

Are you a witness of Jesus Christ?

A Christian is a person indwelt by the Living Lord Jesus Christ and who has chosen to experience His Tested Proven Life. This tested proven life is "The Christ Life." As a Christ-one, (Christian) participates with Christ as their life, they give "testimony" to the living reality of or identity of, who they are joined to spiritually. Spiritual Union defines "who we are" (our identity).
The dictionary defines the word "testimony" as; "evidence or proof by the existence or appearance of something." The origin of the word comes from a Latin word which means "witness."
When a Christian chooses to participate by faith with the Tested Proven Life of Jesus Christ in the midst of temptation, they personally experience God's Grace which becomes their testimony and thereby are witnesses of His Life. A Christian is a witness of grace. Grace is God's activity or God at work. A witness of Jesus Christ gives evidence to the work of Christ in and through them by faith. As the Christian walks by faith, (being receptive to God's grace activity) they give testimony to the existence of the Divine Life within.
Testimony is the evidence/proof of Christ as our life! You are a "witness" of Christ's outlived life "in you"(spirit), "as you" (soul), and "through you" (body). This was the Apostles Paul's prayer for us in 1 Thess. 5:23.
Jesus said, "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be "My witnesses" both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth" (Acts 1:8).
Each day we have the opportunity to be His witnesses in every choice we make.
The glorious privilege of the Christian is to allow the character of Christ to be expressed through our behavior, as a testimony of His grace, working in you, as you, and through you to the glory of God. May our lives give witness to Jesus Christ!
What are your choices today giving witness to? 

The following testimony is one of many persons who are discovering their true identity in Christ and learning to live in freedom at CrossLife Counseling.

 "All my life I have lived by a set of rules and standards that I thought was what God wanted for me.  And all for the cause of DOING GOOD!  So God could “get the glory”!  Little did I know that He doesn’t need my GOOD, he needs my HEART. For the first time in my life, thanks to this new revelation, I can honestly say…I AM A TOTAL FAILURE.  I had never known what was at the root of my ‘doing’ and what I was missing.  The problem was that I was at the center of my own universe and I had missed what it really means to be a Christian and that is CHRIST IS MY LIFE.  There was no FREEDOM because I was bound to religion and its activity.  

 I’m now done with “playing the role” and trying to keep an image that I thought I was supposed to maintain.  My “Christian life” didn’t work the way I was living it and I’m over it.  I can’t fix or save anything. I am a total failure and I’m finally… finally…OK WITH THAT!!!  It’s actually a huge relief because it’s not up to me anyway! I was never taught differently until now, and never had this understanding and revelation until now, THANK YOU CrossLife!"

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Are You a Faithful Friend?

”Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Proverbs 27:6

Are you “faithful,”....that is, willing to speak the truth in love? Give a friendly reproof even if it may seem severe? So, “that others may live,” knowing the truth...being corrected and reproved? Your faithful words may grieve and wound, and cause pain and uneasiness for the present, yet, are an expression of love and are designed for the good of the person reproved, and ought to be kindly received. Only a true friend will “risk” wounding like this. “Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it.” Psalm 141:5

A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strength (in Christ); feels your fears and vulnerabilities but calls you to walk by faith, believes in who you are (in Christ) and motives you to live by the Spirit of Christ not allowing you to believe the lie of self-pity when your down or the pride of self-orientation when you rip for a fall. Be a faithful friend, someone needs you!